Please select your unlimited pass below

If you are already a member of our center, you MUST use the same email address we have on file for you.

Otherwise, your hours might not get attributed to your account automatically.

If you aren't sure what that is, please call the center.

EES Unlimited Pass
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The EE System is not a medical device. The EE System Technology is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, nor prevent any illness. No guarantees expressed or implied are made about the efficacy of the technology. Results may vary between individuals. Information and statements made available to you about the system are for educational purposes and are not intended to replace the advice of your doctor. This disclaimer also applies to all additional products and services provided by DNA Wellness Center, including written information, labels, brochures, and flyers, as well as any information provided orally or by any other medium of communication. Medical advice must be obtained only from your own qualified health care practitioners. The EE System Technology and DNA Wellness Center, its owners, agents and employees, do not dispense medical advice nor prescribe medical treatments or diagnose illnesses. The views and advice expressed by the EE System Technology licensor and DNA Wellness Center are not intended to be a substitute for conventional medical services.

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SUN-THU: 9AM - 5PM / FRI: 9AM - 1PM / SAT: Closed

1101 US-175 Frontage Rd. Suite# 400, Crandall Texas 75114